L earn The Leadership Skills The Pros Use is an article by Rajaan Bey. As always, I bold marked the points which appealed me. A good leader is a blessing and a seriously rare commodity these days. Are you wondering what the best skills for the best leaders are ? Are you aware of what it takes, or perhaps you already know ? Leaders exhibit humility and a willingness to keep learning . This article is sure to demonstrate a few things that you might not have quite put into practice . No one is able to read your mind. Clearly communicate what you expect in all aspects of the job and let your employees know they are free to come to you if they have any questions . That way, if staff members don’t understand your instructions, they won’t hesitate to come to you and ask for advice . Being decisive can better your Leadership skills . Since you’re the leader, many decisions may come down to you . You need to mediate between your employees if they have different vi...