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Showing posts from July, 2014

They're album out in October 2014

Pink Floyd is about to return with their first album in 20 years. Polly Samson, the wife of singer-guitarist David Gilmour, surprised fans on Saturday when she casually announced over Twitter that the band has a new record in the works and it's coming out this fall. A representative for Gilmour confirmed the release of the album to Rolling Stone .  See Where Pink Floyd Rank on Our List of the 100 Greatest Artists of All Time "Btw Pink Floyd album out in October is called 'The Endless River,'" Samson wrote. "Based on 1994 sessions is Rick Wright's swansong and very beautiful." (Keyboardist and founding member Wright died of cancer in 2008 at the age of 65.) The band had just celebrated the 20th anniversary of 1994's The Division Bell with an extravagant reissue of the album on July 1st. The new material appears to be connected to unreleased recordings made during the Division Bell sessions. Durga McBroom-Hudson, a singer who t...

Musings 7 July 2014

Pakistan’s New Security Operation Is a Humanitarian Crisis. The U.S. Is Partially To Blame. Slate Back in the news recently, the Blackwater scandal shows the U.S. isn’t immune from behaviours we abhor in others. Slate The Secret of Effective Motivation . Strong internal motives matter more, it seems. 7 Myths about Drinking Coffee ( only 7?) and 7 Reasons You Should Start Eating Eggs The Only Ice Cream Recipe You’ll Ever Need [ NYT ] and Chocolate Ganache , an Easygoing French Treat To Job-Hop Or Not? It’s more common now. The  WSJ  studies Amazon's popular highlights feature in an attempt to find  this summer's most unread book . Piketty’s Capital in the 21 st Century seems to be it How to Manage Idea Overflow and How to Pick the Best Idea What Makes People Follow Reluctant Leaders Speaking of reluctant leaders, ever wonder why mediocre bosses get promoted or worse, actually get to run organisations? Check out the Harper’s Index

Google like an expert

Another useful one, considering how much google has become the go-to site for looking up anything

12 Personality Traits of Great Bosses

I've developed an interest for infographics over the last couple of years, especially those with a management-related theme.

The relationship between citizens and their governments

Musings of 3 July 2014

9 DEADLY leadership mistakes according to Peter Economy. I see #2 and #4 far too many times than it can be healthy for an organisation. The rest of the list doesn't seem to merit any importance, at least where I work. Is it any wonder our organisations are failing their stakeholders? You have to check out Marty Neumeier's The 46 Rules of Genius . It's simple and eloquent. "I think you can’t learn the rules until you break them . Somehow you have to test them a little to see which are true and work for you." Ebooks v Paper:  Which do our brains prefer? Research is forcing us to rethink how we respond to the written word. — "There is some evidence that reading on screen can result in less comprehension and even affect sleep patterns. But the research here is complex and inconclusive and, in any case, it is actually doing something far more interesting than telling us which medium is superior. It’s making us think more about what it means to read....